Monday, February 11, 2008

Critique The Critic

The Critic-
In this review the critic does not show the slightest appreciation for any of the Bourne series. In this movie Jason Bourne is still on the run from the very people who made him. In this series Bourne is always chasing the same goal, to find out his true identity. Bourne is faced with numerous problems he must overcome while being chased by federal officers and secret agents.

The critic uses the example "I know Google claims it will soon be able to see the wax in your ear, but how does the CIA pinpoint Bourne so precisely and yet fail again and again and again to actually nab him? You'd think he was Bin Laden." (EBERT) to create a comparison between real life and this series while highlighting the unrealistic idea of surviving situations that exceed reality. Although i feel like the critic displays rather good points the use of this fictional story line seems appropriate considering the intensity of his life. Without this element the movie would be dull and boring.

After reading this review the critic seemed to have had a larger impact on my opinion than i would imagine. While reading this review i found myself agreeing to many of the points the critic made which i hadn't even considered. For instance the critic's statement about how unrealistic Bourne's series of events is. Although many of the positions Bourne is seen in may be far fetched i never found them unattainable for the this mastermind.

Overall my opinion of the review is that it is too narrow minded and the focus was emphasized on less important ideas than possible. In my opinion i find that this movie is an action packed thriller that does a good job influencing the audience to enjoy its frictional events that make the viewer feel like he/she is in what seems to be an everlasting struggle.

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