Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Gladiator Fight Scene

The first important element I noticed in this clip was the director’s uses of both the long and medium shots. The Long shot in this clip is used to show the enormity of the coliseum and also to create the feeling of a third person view of the act being seen. In the long shot Russell Crowe is completely visible with some background containing hundreds of people and his fellow gladiatiors as they enter battle. This scene is what really can manipulate the eye to be feeling as if it is right in front of everything. The medium shot used by the director does a good job of showing facial expressions and the shadows on the men’s faces. The distinct image of each character can appear powerful and confident.
Another important element seen in this clip is the camera angle. The director uses both high and low camera angles. Throughout the clip there is a lot of change between both of these angles. The low angles seen throughout the clip show the power of unity seen between the gladiators as well as the strength of appearing large and ready to fight. The high angles seen throughout this clip are in turn supposed to represent the insignificance of the people they are fighting.

MLA:Juhoosiers2, "Gladiator Fight in Colosseum". 2/7/08 .

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